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1. Monopol na prawdę

2. 500 km

3. Stagnacja to śmierć

4. Trashtalk

5. Nie chcemy umierać

6. Nie jesteś jednym z nas

7. NSBM=BDSM (Gość: Kuba)

8. Lojalność (Gość: Oskar)

9. Okno na świat (Gość: Tacki)

10. Jeść i spać (Gość: Bartek)

11. Nie zaglądaj

12. Samozniszczenie

13. Kapitan 90’s

14. Bez serca

15. Hokej

16. Profilówka (Gość: Tom White (Little Boy))

17. Wracamy do gry.

18. Wpierdalaj leki

19. Johnny Leber

20. Zaraz kończymy koncert

21. Zdelegalizować kouczing i rozwój osobisty

22. Tylko wrestling jest prawdziwy (gość: Przemek (ex Shackled Down/Tester Gier))

23. Hajsy

24. G T A (gość: Laczo (Old Fashioned))

25. Lej mi pół

26. 100 t-shirts (gość: Magda)

27. Reaktywacja Świniopasa (gość: Leszek)

28. Stara Szkoła (gość: Vuki- HELL & BACK)

29. Scena (“In Spite Of” cover) (goście: Maciek i Kondas – Old Fashioned)

Śląsko-Zagłębie supergroup HC / Punk. Musicians known from bands such as Świniopas, Suspensa, Nuclear Death, Not This Time, Tester Gier, 343, Last Breath, Riogrinde etc. Collected on one vinyl all the band’s songs recorded and released in 2018-2020. A total of 29 numbers in the style of short, fast and funny – old school twist in the atmosphere of the 80s in a crossover / thrash sauce. The cover and the artwork were prepared by the one and only Łukasz “Fan” Kowalczuk. The album features a lot of guests from many famous bands. All the pluses, and the minuses, if any, are only positives ….

transparent red LP / 80pcs. (limited version)

black LP / 120pcs.


1. Monopoly on truth

2,500 km

3. Stagnation is death

4. Trashtalk

5. We don’t want to die

6. You are not one of us

7. NSBM = BDSM (Guest: Kuba)

8. Loyalty (Guest: Oscar)

9. A window to the world (Guest: Tacki)

10. Eat and sleep (Guest: Bartek)

11. Don’t look

12. Self-destruct

13. Captain of the 90’s

14. Heartless

15. Hockey

16. Profilówka (Guest: Tom White (Little Boy))

17. We go back to the game.

18. Drive drugs

19. Johnny Leber

20. The concert is about to end

21. Outlaw training and personal development

22. Only wrestling is real (guest: Przemek (ex Shackled Down / Tester Gier))

23. Hajsy

24. G T A (guest: Laczo (Old Fashioned))

25. Pour me half

26.100 t-shirts (guest: Magda)

27. Swineherd’s reactivation (guest: Leszek)

28. Old School (guest: Vuki- HELL & BACK)

29. Scena (“In Spite Of” cover) (guests: Maciek and Kondas – Old Fashioned)